3 minutes of reading
March 25, 2024
Seller Engagement
Banco PAN & Coren Incentives
To engage their sales team, many brands operate incentive campaigns, scoring and rewarding employees who repeatedly sell their products and services. In the following article you will discover about the development of a digital product called Receba, a rewards claim system and distribution platform, as well as the success story with Banco PAN.
Develop a solution to make incentive campaigns tangible quickly, safely and effectively.
Banco PAN Needs
- Score vehicle sellers for each financing sale (of the customer's brand) made;
- Report the metrics of the incentive campaign’s conversion funnel;
- Mitigate fraud risks in the incentive process;
- Increase sellers’ adherence and engagement in the campaign.
We believe in the power of each seller and we are here to help transform the world of incentives. COREN knows that to boost employee performance and achieve extraordinary results you need more than isolated rewards, you need to be close and invest in good experiences.
By the end of 2023, more than 9 thousand sellers had already used the Receba platform to claim their incentives and also more than 480 organic reviews were received on Google, 100% of which were 5-star reviews.
A special thanks to the team that was dedicated to building Receba.
Rayanna Rebouças, Thais Landi, Alan Assis, Vinnicius Gomes, Rafael Medeiros.

Increase engagement and loyalty in your business

Create automated journeys, target specific behaviors, and reward your audience quickly and easily

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